Sweet potato fries
→ Sweet Potatoes are one of our favorite vegetables, they’re so versatile and delicious 🙌🏼 Low in fat, high in starchy carbohydrates and fibre keeping you so satiated!😇 They’re especially praised for their high Vitamin A content present as beta carotene ( a powerful antioxidant) which is highly beneficial for eyesight
Cooking instructions
1. Preheat the oven at 180°C (fan setting).
2. Place the Sweet Potato wedges in a bowl add the olive oil and mix with your hands. Once coated with oil, add the smoked paprika, fresh rosemary, salt & pepper.
3. Place on a baking tray and into a preheated oven at 180°C (fan setting). Cook until soft for about 20-30 minutes turning once or twice( time differs depending on oven)
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