Vegetarian burger with potatoes

→ Vegetarian burger and potatoes, a classic combination rich in taste. if you desire a more tasty version you can fry the potatoes, after cutting them to match.

Cooking instructions

1. Peel the garlic and onion and chop finely, then brown them in a large non-stick pan with VALSOIA OLIVE OIL.

2. Wash, peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes; wash, dry and chop the rosemary and sage. Add the potatoes and the aromatic mince to the chopped garlic and onion, brown for a few minutes then wet with a cup of water and cook until the potatoes have softened.

3. Add the VALSOIA FROZEN BURGERS to the other ingredients, season with salt and pepper, cook for 5-6 minutes, then turn the VALSOIA FROZEN BURGERS and finish cooking within 5-6 minutes.

Recipe By


300 g of VALSOIA BURGERS (4 burgers)

300 g of potatoes

1 onion

1 clove of garlic

1 sprig of rosemary

4 sage leaves

40 g of OLIO DI SOIA VALSOIA (4 spoons)

salt and pepper

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